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Life is a Bowl of Cherries

Murano Glass Cherries

I know this has been a year filled with challenges so I bring you this story to lift your spirits, as it did mine. I have enjoyed my many years sourcing beautiful hand made Italian pieces from artists who have a passion and commitment for working with integrity and love. I often say that I look for products that make people smile. Every now and then someone will reach out with a story that tells me I'm on the right track.

"Hello? Is this Elizabeth?"

"yes" I replied.

"I am a customer of yours."

The hairs on the back of my neck jump as I prepare my speech of how sorry I am for the inconvenience and we will replace the broken piece immediately...

She continued, "I just received your beautiful Murano Glass Cherries." Her voice was warm and soft and full of appreciation. My muscles relaxed. She continued, "This is too important to send as an email so I just had to call."

murano glass cherries in bowl

"I lost my husband of 70 years recently. He was in his 90's, still playing his beloved violin. He fell about a month ago and broke his hip; that was the beginning of the end. He died on a Monday. It was 3pm, he said he needed to lay down for a moment. We got him into bed and I sat beside him holding his hand. He took 3 short breaths and that was it." Annie told me his name was Carl and that they lived in New York City most of their years together. He played the violin and they lived life by the motto "Live and laugh at it all". Annie's best friend told her to listen to Judy Garland sing "Life is a bowl of cherries"---it reminded her of Annie's marriage.

Annie told me that when she found our Murano Glass Cherries online, she just had to have them so she ordered enough for a beautiful bowl full. Her voice cracked when she told me how much they reminded her of her husband and how thankful she was to have found us. She said "They are so beautiful Elizabeth and they are in a place where I can see them every day and be reminded of my Carl. Life was a bowl of cherries with him and I miss him so much. I know that he would not want me to wither and die so I am going to keep smiling and living and laughing at it all".

Thank you Annie for sharing your story with me. Beauty and art are not disposable, they are an integral part of a full life. My hope is that everyone surround themselves with objects that evoke good feelings,

I wish you all a year filled with love, laughter and art to fill your soul for all the years to come.

signature for Elisabetta

PS: I love hearing from all of you, please reach out any time!

1 Response

Maria Orlando

Maria Orlando

January 13, 2023

Ciao Elisabetta! I found your website looking for Italian things for myself and as gifts. My third trip back to Italy made me want to surround myself with the beautiful things that are made there, and especially the Murano glass. Keep on selling all that is colourful and beautiful. The only complaint I have is when my first delivery arrived, since I am in Canada, I had to pay duty, which I would have preferred if it could have been paid at time of purchase. Grazie, Buon Natale!

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